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Radio channel sounding, estimation, modeling, emulation and over the air testing

主讲人 :Wei Fan (tenured associate professor ) 地点 :新科研楼631会议室 开始时间 : 2019-08-01 09:00 结束时间 : 2019-08-01 11:00


Understanding of how radio signals propagate in realistic environments is key to the design and development of wireless systems. Fundamentally, wireless system designs begin with the understanding of deployment environment, where reliable channel sounding are required. In this talk, an introduction of antenna, propagation and millimeter wave systems (APMS) group in Aalborg University will be firstly given. Research works on 5G radio channel sounding, estimation, modeling and emulation within APMS group will be then discussed. At last, the focus will be over-the-air radiated testing methods for 5G radios.



Wei Fan received his Bachelor of Engineering degree from Harbin Institute of technology, China in 2009, Master’s double degree with highest honours from Politecnico di Torino, Italy and Grenoble Institute of Technology, France in 2011, and Ph.D. degree from Aalborg University, Denmark in 2014. From February 2011 to August 2011, he was with Intel Mobile Communications, Denmark as a research intern. He conducted a three-month internship at Keysight technologies, Finland in 2014. He was promoted to assistant professor in 2014 and tenured associate professor in August 2017. He was awarded Sapere Aude: DFF- Research Talent in Denmark in 2016. He has published more than 90 papers, including 45 SCI journal publications. He has received more than 1.4 million USD competitive funding in recent 5 years from Huawei technologies and Danish government. His main areas of research are over-the-air testing of multiple antenna systems, radio channel sounding, estimation, modeling and emulation.
